Steinberg nuendo vs cubase
Steinberg nuendo vs cubase

steinberg nuendo vs cubase

Indeed!! I love ranting and raving about Nuendo and dont mind if we have five different threads about it!! lol!! I understand that the interfaces are similar.but what would I be gaining, and what would I be losing if I switched from Cubase to Nuendo? :D I am sure that Opus is pissed :mad: but at least he'll get a chance to rant and rave about his favorite software! OK.why and in what way? Especially focusing on how it differs from Cubase. I know that the Nuendo users are very loyal, and love their software, I have even read a review or two that state that Nuendo is "Steinberg's answer to Pro Tools"."their flagship product", etc.

steinberg nuendo vs cubase

So is the audio quality better than Cubase? Enough to really notice the difference? Enough to justify $1,000US? Let's get *really* specific here this time.Even the Nuendo web site hasn't sold me yet.(pretty unexciting actually.) and? I guess that doesn't do enough for me to convince me to upgrade. Why should I spend the extra money to go from Cubase VST/32 5.1 to Nuendo? I know Opus says that "Cubase started out as a MIDI sequencer that added audio, and Nuendo started as an audio sequencer that added MIDI." OK. :) I have searched through and read the other Nuendo posts here, and I keep hearing things like "Sounds Great", etc.but why? and How? Opus has mentioned that there are other threads here at RO that have "hashed this to death already" my mind, I am still a bit "unhashed" I guess. OK.I want to open up this can of worms again because I don't think I have really heard a great explanation for it.

Steinberg nuendo vs cubase